
2016届译林版(三起)英语六年级下Unit 5单元练习卷

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题号:408040 题型:选择题 难易度:容易 日期:2016-05-25 来源:2016届译林版(三起)英语六年级下Unit 5单元练习卷
【题文】 ____________is going to sing at the party? –Yang Ling is.
A. What          B. Who                 C. Where



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题号:408041 题型:选择题 难易度:容易 日期:2016-05-25 来源:2016届译林版(三起)英语六年级下Unit 5单元练习卷
【题文】Children’s Day is____________       .
A. on June      B. in June               C. in July



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题号:408042 题型:选择题 难易度:较易 日期:2016-05-25 来源:2016届译林版(三起)英语六年级下Unit 5单元练习卷
【题文】 I’m going to play______ piano at the party.
A. the           B. a                     C. /



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题号:408043 题型:选择题 难易度:容易 日期:2016-05-25 来源:2016届译林版(三起)英语六年级下Unit 5单元练习卷
【题文】 What ______ on the coming Children’s Day?
A. do you do      B. are you doing      C. are you going to do



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题号:408044 题型:选择题 难易度:容易 日期:2016-05-25 来源:2016届译林版(三起)英语六年级下Unit 5单元练习卷
【题文】 ______ you ______ basketball tomorrow afternoon?
A. Do; play   B. Are; going to play   C. Will; playing



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题号:408045 题型:选择题 难易度:容易 日期:2016-05-25 来源:2016届译林版(三起)英语六年级下Unit 5单元练习卷
(     )1.A. window
B. flower
C. follow
D. know
(     )2.A. clown
B. snow
C. show
D. tomorrow
(     )3.A. across
B. appear
C. about
D. April
(     )4.A. appear
B. pear
C. near
D. hear
(     )5.A. steamed
B. reach
C. sweater
D. weak



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题号:408039 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2016-05-25 来源:2016届译林版(三起)英语六年级下Unit 5单元练习卷
1. The __________(happy) girl danced ______________( happy).
2. I can _______ ( run ) ______ ( fast ) , but she _______ ( run ) _______ ( slow ).
3. There_________ (be) two glasses of juice in the cup just now.
4. Mike read some books and __________ ( watch) TV.
5. They ____________ (sing) next Children’s Day.



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题号:408036 题型:书面表达 难易度:一般 日期:2016-05-25 来源:2016届译林版(三起)英语六年级下Unit 5单元练习卷
Class party



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题号:408038 题型:句型转换 难易度:一般 日期:2016-05-25 来源:2016届译林版(三起)英语六年级下Unit 5单元练习卷
1. The children are going to the park this holiday. (改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)
________ the children __________ to the park?  ________, they _________.
2. My mother told me a story yesterday? (用be going to改写句子)
My mother _________going to _________ me a story.
3. My sister gave some fruit to Mike.(改成否定句)
My sister _________ ________ fruit to Mike .
4. Mike is going to take a gift tomorrow. (对划线部分提问)
________ is Mike going to ________ tomorrow?
5. 你将要为聚会做些什么?我将要带一些玩具。(英汉互译)
-What______ you going to do      the party? I ’m going to        some        .



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题号:408046 题型:翻译 难易度:一般 日期:2016-05-25 来源:2016届译林版(三起)英语六年级下Unit 5单元练习卷
1. 表演几场戏___________________
2. 买一些零食和饮料___________________
3. 举办一场英语派对___________________
4. 在晚会上唱歌跳舞___________________
5. 和朋友们玩点好玩的___________________
6. Just then a clown appears___________________
7. play the piano after school___________________
8. tell a story happily___________________
9. think of some party games___________________
10. be going to be the king___________________



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题号:408037 题型:判断题 难易度:一般 日期:2016-05-25 来源:2016届译林版(三起)英语六年级下Unit 5单元练习卷
Hi, I’m Jack. Children’s Day is coming. I’m getting very excited. Here is a plan(计划)for my Children’s Day.
I’m going to get up at eight. Then I am going to brush my teeth at eight ten. I usually have my breakfast at seven thirty. But, on Children’s Day, I am going to have breakfast at eight thirty. Mum is going to buy a lot of things for me on Children’s Day. Tds and I all like playing with yo-yos. So, we’re going to play with yo-yos at ten thirty-five. After lunch, about one in the afternoon, we are going to play a lot of interesting games. We all love games. At seven twenty in the evening, I’m going to watch some cartoons. At last, I am going to write my diary at nine.
阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。X K b1 .C o m
(    )1. Jack usually gets up at eight.
(    )2. Jack is going to have breakfast at 7:30.
(    )3. Jack is going shopping at 9:40.
(    )4. Jack likes playing games with his friends.
(    )5. Jack is going to watch cartoons at 7:10 in the evening.



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