
2016届译林版(三起)英语六年级下Unit 3单元练习卷

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题号:408129 题型:选择题 难易度:容易 日期:2016-05-19 来源:2016届译林版(三起)英语六年级下Unit 3单元练习卷
【题文】 I eat a few noodles _______ .
A. in dinner            B. of dinner        C. for dinner



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题号:408130 题型:选择题 难易度:容易 日期:2016-05-19 来源:2016届译林版(三起)英语六年级下Unit 3单元练习卷
【题文】 We can eat_______ delicious food at Christmas.
A. a lot of         B. many            C. a few



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题号:408131 题型:选择题 难易度:容易 日期:2016-05-19 来源:2016届译林版(三起)英语六年级下Unit 3单元练习卷
【题文】 My teacher likes _______ bikes.
A. riding            B. rides               C. ride



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题号:408132 题型:选择题 难易度:容易 日期:2016-05-19 来源:2016届译林版(三起)英语六年级下Unit 3单元练习卷
【题文】 _______ your sister _______ a healthy diet?
A. Do; have           B. Does; has          C. Does, have



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题号:408133 题型:选择题 难易度:容易 日期:2016-05-19 来源:2016届译林版(三起)英语六年级下Unit 3单元练习卷
【题文】There is ________ water in the bottle.
A. a few         B. a little          C. any



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题号:408134 题型:选择题 难易度:容易 日期:2016-05-19 来源:2016届译林版(三起)英语六年级下Unit 3单元练习卷
(    ) 1. A. country    B. shout         C. cousin      D. mouse
(    ) 2. A. morning    B. horse         C. work       D. sports
(    ) 3. A. chat       B. have         C. name       D. than
(    ) 4. A. food      B. good          C. book       D. look
(    ) 5. A. low       B. window       C. flower      D. Show



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题号:408127 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2016-05-19 来源:2016届译林版(三起)英语六年级下Unit 3单元练习卷
1.Mike eats a l _______rice for lunch.
2.I eat s ____________fruit every day.
3. Do you have a h____________ diet?
4. My mother often has some n ____________for breakfast.
5. I don’t like ________ ( 喝 ) water.
6. The boy _______ ( 仅仅 ) drinks a little water.
7. I like eating _____________( 蔬菜 ).
8. He has a __________ ( 几个 )eggs every week.



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题号:408135 题型:填空题 难易度:较易 日期:2016-05-19 来源:2016届译林版(三起)英语六年级下Unit 3单元练习卷
1. healthy(名词)______________       2.vegetable(复数)______________
3. egg (复数) ______________         4.tomato(复数)______________
5.potato(复数)______________         6.fish(复数)______________
7.sweet(复数)______________          8.noodle(复数)______________
9.a few (同义短语)______________    10.a lot of(同义词)______________



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题号:408126 题型:阅读理解 难易度:一般 日期:2016-05-19 来源:2016届译林版(三起)英语六年级下Unit 3单元练习卷
Most English people have four meals(餐饭)a day .They are breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. People usually have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They'd like to have eggs,bread and milk. English people drink tea or coffee for breakfast. Lunch comes at 1:00pm.Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and the dinner is about half past seven. First they have soup(汤),then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that they eat some other things such as bananas, apples and oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, afternoon tea and supper and all these meals are very necessary(必要的).
(     )1. Many English people have _____meals a day.
A. two           B. three              C. four           D. five
(     )2. People may have_____ for their breakfast according to the passage.
A. tea and eggs    B. hamburgers and tea  C. coffee and salad  D. eggs and fish
(     )3. People have lunch at ______.
A. anytime        B. nine               C. five            D. one
(     ) 4. People don’t have _______ for their dinner.
A. bananas and apples  B. soup and meat  C. meat and fish    D. porridge
(     ) 5. In some English families, dinner comes ________.X K
A. in the morning      B. at noon         C. on Sunday    D. in the afternoon



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题号:408125 题型:书面表达 难易度:一般 日期:2016-05-19 来源:2016届译林版(三起)英语六年级下Unit 3单元练习卷
What do you have for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
For breakfast, I _________________________________________________________



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题号:408128 题型:句型转换 难易度:一般 日期:2016-05-19 来源:2016届译林版(三起)英语六年级下Unit 3单元练习卷
1. I have some bread and milk for breakfast. (对划线部分提问)
________ ________ you have for breakfast?
2. There is some fruit and vegetables in a healthy diet. (改成一般疑问句)
________ ________ ________ fruit and vegetables in a healthy diet.?
3. Miss Li often buys things from shops.(用be going to 改写句子)
Miss Li ________ going to ________ things from shops.
4.Tim eats a lot of sweets every day.(改成否定句)
Tim _______ ________ a lot of sweets every day.
5.My mother bought a lot of things last Weekends.(改为一般疑问句)
_______  ______ mother _______ a lot of things last Weekends?



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