

适用年级:{{getGradeNameByProperty('五年级|单元试卷|全国|2014年')}} 试卷类型:{{getTestPaperTypeName('五年级|单元试卷|全国|2014年')}} 使用省份:{{getAreaName('五年级|单元试卷|全国|2014年')}}
题号:436075 题型:选择题 难易度:容易 日期:2014-12-10 来源:外研版五年级英语上模块6测试卷
【题文】—______ you play computer games?
—Yes. Now many children play computer games at the weekend.
A. Are               B. Can               C. /



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题号:436076 题型:选择题 难易度:容易 日期:2014-12-10 来源:外研版五年级英语上模块6测试卷
【题文】—You are good _____ swimming. Do you want to be _______ our
school swimming team?
—Yes, I do.
A. at, in               B. for, on             C. at, of



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题号:436077 题型:选择题 难易度:容易 日期:2014-12-10 来源:外研版五年级英语上模块6测试卷
【题文】—Can your father run fast?
—He ran fast in the past, but now he is _______ .
A. high               B. well               C. slow



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题号:436078 题型:选择题 难易度:容易 日期:2014-12-10 来源:外研版五年级英语上模块6测试卷
—Yes, I do. But I don’t play well.
A. Can you jump high
B. Is this crayon Amy’s
C. Do you want to be in our basketball team



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题号:436079 题型:选择题 难易度:容易 日期:2014-12-10 来源:外研版五年级英语上模块6测试卷
【题文】—You can play the piano well, Betty.
A. Thank you         B. Yes, she can           C. Sorry



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题号:436080 题型:选择题 难易度:容易 日期:2014-12-10 来源:外研版五年级英语上模块6测试卷
【题文】—Can you pass the football?
A. No, I don’t         B. Not very well        C. Thank you



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题号:436081 题型:选择题 难易度:容易 日期:2014-12-10 来源:外研版五年级英语上模块6测试卷
【题文】—Can you speak English well?
A. No, I can’t         B. Yes, I was          C. Yes, I do



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题号:436082 题型:选择题 难易度:容易 日期:2014-12-10 来源:外研版五年级英语上模块6测试卷
【题文】—Mary is good at singing in our class.
A. Yes, I am          B. Yes, she is          C. No, she can’t



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题号:436083 题型:选择题 难易度:容易 日期:2014-12-10 来源:外研版五年级英语上模块6测试卷
【题文】—Can you catch the ball well?
A. Yes, I think I can do that well
B. Yes, it is
C. Yes, I am



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题号:436084 题型:选择题 难易度:容易 日期:2014-12-10 来源:外研版五年级英语上模块6测试卷
【题文】—Can Leo jump high?
A. Yes, I can          B. Yes, he can         C. No, I can’t



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题号:436085 题型:选择题 难易度:容易 日期:2014-12-10 来源:外研版五年级英语上模块6测试卷
(1)A. healthy         B. past              C. fine
(2)A. good           B. fantastic         C. first
(3)A. well           B. team              C. group
(4)A. think           B. fast              C. slow
(5)A. really          B. catch             C. pass
(6)A. jump           B. run               C. far
(7)A. computer       B. sing              C. dance
(8)A. piano          B. basketball         C. football
(9)A. fan            B. speak             C. goalkeeper
(10)A.ran            B. took              C. play



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题号:436072 题型:填空题 难易度:较易 日期:2014-12-10 来源:外研版五年级英语上模块6测试卷

B: Good morning.
A: Can you play basketball?
A: OK! Do you like basketball?
B: Yes, I do. I often play basketball after school.
B: Yes, of course.
A: Are you good at passing the ball?
A: I think you can do it very well..



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题号:436074 题型:填空题 难易度:较易 日期:2014-12-10 来源:外研版五年级英语上模块6测试卷

(1)It’s raining now, so we             go out to play football.
(2)In the             my aunt jumped really high.
(3)Dick can pass the ball           .
(4)Yao Ming is very good              basketball in China.
(5)My brother can run               .
(6)—Jim likes singing a lot. He sings            well.
—You are right.
(7)Mike likes playing basketball very much. He wants to be our school basketball            .
(8)I catch the ball well. I            I can be a fantastic goalkeeper.
(9)I like fruit and vegetables a lot. They’re            for us.
(10)There’s no homework for you this weekend. I hope you are keeping well and have a           weekend!



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题号:436071 题型:阅读理解 难易度:一般 日期:2014-12-10 来源:外研版五年级英语上模块6测试卷
I’m Kate. Our class will have a Class Party this weekend. I sing very badly, but I can dance very well. I will dance at the party. Mary can’t dance at all. But she can sing really well. Amy can sing well, too. They will sing at the party. Sam can’t act out a play at all. But he can say a chant well. He will say a chant at the party. Amy, Jack, Helen and Lily can act out a play. They will act out a play at the party.
(1)Amy can _______ at the Class Party.
A. sing             B. dance            C. act out a play
(2)Sam can _______ at the Class Party.
A. act out a play      B. say a chant       C. sing
(3)Can Mary dance?
A. Yes, she can.      B. No, she can’t.      C. No, she isn’t.
(4)Kate can _______ this weekend.
A. sing             B. dance            C. say a chant
(5)Amy _______ sing well with Mary.
A. can’t            B. can              C. doesn’t



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题号:436073 题型:排序题 难易度:一般 日期:2014-12-10 来源:外研版五年级英语上模块6测试卷
(1)you,  basketball,  can,  play ( ? )

(2)fast,  he,  run,  can ( ? )

(3)well,  the,  pass,  you,  ball,  can ( ? )

(4)jump,  can,  high,  you,  really( . )

(5)well,  the,  catch,  really,  you,  ball,  can(. )



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