
四年级上册Module3--4 知识能力测试卷

适用年级:{{getGradeNameByProperty('四年级|单元试卷|全国|2014年')}} 试卷类型:{{getTestPaperTypeName('四年级|单元试卷|全国|2014年')}} 使用省份:{{getAreaName('四年级|单元试卷|全国|2014年')}}
题号:445106 题型:选择题 难易度:一般 日期:2014-10-21 来源:四年级上册Module3--4 知识能力测试卷
【题文】I am swimming. (改一般疑问句)
_____ ______ swimming?   Yes, I_____.     No, I’m ______.



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题号:445110 题型:选择题 难易度:一般 日期:2016-11-01 来源:四年级上册Module3--4 知识能力测试卷
(1)A、read          B、jump         C、clock
(2)A、juice         B、cake        C、egg
(3)A、white         B、eight       C、twelve
(4)A、tomato        B、flower       C、potato
(5)A、drawing       B、sing        C、drinking



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题号:445111 题型:选择题 难易度:一般 日期:2016-12-29 来源:四年级上册Module3--4 知识能力测试卷
【题文】找出所给音标相应的单词单词, 并在后面的横线上写出单词的意思。
(1)/  meik /           A food    ________
(2)/  bai  /           B can     ________
(3)/  fu:d  /          Cbuy     ________
(4)/ sΛm  /           D make   ________
(5)/  kæ n /          Esome    ________



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题号:445102 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2014-10-21 来源:四年级上册Module3--4 知识能力测试卷
【题文】______  ______ is it?    Ten yuan. (根据答语补全问句)



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题号:445103 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2014-10-21 来源:四年级上册Module3--4 知识能力测试卷
【题文】_________ are they doing ?   They are watching TV. (根据答语补全问句)



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题号:445104 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2014-10-21 来源:四年级上册Module3--4 知识能力测试卷
【题文】They are rowing a boat. (改一般疑问句)
_____ _______ rowing a boat?   Yes, they _______.   No, they ______.



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题号:445105 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2014-10-21 来源:四年级上册Module3--4 知识能力测试卷
【题文】He is playing table tennis. (改否定句)
He ________ playing table tennis.



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题号:445107 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2016-11-01 来源:四年级上册Module3--4 知识能力测试卷
(1)My brother is ____________( make , making , makeing ) noodles now.
(2)What are you _________(  do ,  does  , doing ) ?
I’m _______( row,  rowing, reading ) a boat.
(3)I ______ watching TV.  Tom_____listening to music.  We ______ having a good time.  (  am ,  is  are )
(4)Let’s get _______(  up,   on ) the bus.
(5)They are __________(play  ,  playing ) chess.



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题号:445108 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2014-10-21 来源:四年级上册Module3--4 知识能力测试卷
(1)listen to music     ___________
(2)play chess        ___________
(3)play with          __________
(4)take pictures      __________
(5)draw pictures     __________
(6)drink soya milk    __________
(7)read a book        __________
(8)row a dragon boat  _________
(9)do taijiquan       _________
(10)play table tennis  _________



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题号:445109 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2014-10-21 来源:四年级上册Module3--4 知识能力测试卷
(1)play ________
(3)listen _________
(4)read _________
(7)row _________
(8)drink _________
(9)jump _______
(11)take ________



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题号:445112 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2016-12-29 来源:四年级上册Module3--4 知识能力测试卷
(1)想要            A. jump        B. arm        C. want
(2)男人(复数)    A. letter       B. men         C. his
(3)花              A. fly         B. sister       C. flower
(4)跳舞            A. picture      B. dance       C. sing
(5)喝               A. boat        B. drink       C. boy



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题号:445101 题型:判断题 难易度:一般 日期:2016-10-21 来源:四年级上册Module3--4 知识能力测试卷
【题文】阅读理解。根据短文内容判断正误。正确的写T, 错误的写F。
It is a fine day today. I go to the park with my friends.. Look at the people on the lake. They are rowing a boat. Look at the men under the tree. They are doing taijiquan. The girls are reading books. I am playing games with my friends. Look at the birds in the tree. They are singing. What a happy day!
(1)I go to the park with my mother.
(2)The men are doing taijiquan under the tree.
(3)I am reading books with the girls.
(4)The birds are singing in the tree.
(5)Today is a happy day.



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