

适用年级:{{getGradeNameByProperty('六年级|单元试卷|河南|2017年')}} 试卷类型:{{getTestPaperTypeName('六年级|单元试卷|河南|2017年')}} 使用省份:{{getAreaName('六年级|单元试卷|河南|2017年')}}
题号:5944290 题型:选择题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-11-08 来源:2018年北师大版(三起)英语六年级上册unit1练习卷(带解析)(一)
①________  A. beds     B. hands     C. hats
②________  A. ships      B. pencils     C. clocks
③________  A. glasses    B. peaches    C. chairs
④________  A. keys      B. eggs      C. chips



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题号:4914408 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-09-18 来源:2018年北师大版(三起)英语六年级上册unit1练习卷(带解析)(一)
A.Where do you live now?
B.Did you go to the park yesterday?
C.What do you usually do after school?
D.Who is your new history teacher?
E. Which subject do you like?
F. Which movie is more exciting?
G. Will Lisa study at our school?
A: ________
B: Oh, I like math, English and art. But science is my favorite subject.
A: ________
B: Mr. Wang. His class is very interesting.
A: ________
B: I play the violin. But it's the most boring thing for me.
A: ________
B: I live in Sunny Town. I moved here last month.
A: ________
B: I think Harry Potter(哈利波特) is.
A: ________
B: Yes, she will. Her new home is near our school.
A: ________
B: No, I didn't. I was sick at home.



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题号:4914411 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-09-18 来源:2018年北师大版(三起)英语六年级上册unit1练习卷(带解析)(一)
【题文】A dictionary is ________ (expensive) than a story-book.



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题号:4914412 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-09-18 来源:2018年北师大版(三起)英语六年级上册unit1练习卷(带解析)(一)
【题文】We ________ (play) football tomorrow afternoon.



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题号:4914413 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-09-18 来源:2018年北师大版(三起)英语六年级上册unit1练习卷(带解析)(一)
【题文】Which is the ________ (exciting), football, basketball or volleyball?



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题号:4914423 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-09-18 来源:2018年北师大版(三起)英语六年级上册unit1练习卷(带解析)(一)
【题文】They ________ (not have) any classes next week.



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题号:4914424 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-09-18 来源:2018年北师大版(三起)英语六年级上册unit1练习卷(带解析)(一)
【题文】Saturday is my ________ (busy) day in a week.



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题号:4914426 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-09-18 来源:2018年北师大版(三起)英语六年级上册unit1练习卷(带解析)(一)
【题文】He is ________ (funny) than Bob.



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题号:4914428 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-09-18 来源:2018年北师大版(三起)英语六年级上册unit1练习卷(带解析)(一)
【题文】Which is the ________ (easy) subject, Science, Chinese or Math?



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题号:4914437 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-09-18 来源:2018年北师大版(三起)英语六年级上册unit1练习卷(带解析)(一)
【题文】There are ________ (many) girls in our class than in theirs.



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题号:4914438 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-09-18 来源:2018年北师大版(三起)英语六年级上册unit1练习卷(带解析)(一)
【题文】He likes swimming the ________ (well).



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题号:4914450 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-09-18 来源:2018年北师大版(三起)英语六年级上册unit1练习卷(带解析)(一)
【题文】Kate ________ (go) to the airport to meet me yesterday.



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题号:4914451 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-09-18 来源:2018年北师大版(三起)英语六年级上册unit1练习卷(带解析)(一)
【题文】That story is very ________ (boring).



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题号:5944291 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-11-08 来源:2018年北师大版(三起)英语六年级上册unit1练习卷(带解析)(一)
(1)This isn't a girl. This is a ________.
(2)This movie is boring. It's not ________.
(3)He's not young. He's ________.
(4)My sister is thin. She isn't ________.



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题号:5944292 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-11-08 来源:2018年北师大版(三起)英语六年级上册unit1练习卷(带解析)(一)
(1)I will buy the small bike. I won't buy the ________ one.
(2)It will be ________ next week. It won’t be cold.
(3)- Is math difficult for you?
- Yes, it is. But it's ________ for my brother.
(4)Is Mary short or ________?



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题号:5944293 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-11-09 来源:2018年北师大版(三起)英语六年级上册unit1练习卷(带解析)(一)
(1)What did Mr. and Mrs. White do last weekend?

(2)Which book do you want to buy? Why?



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题号:5944294 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-11-09 来源:2018年北师大版(三起)英语六年级上册unit1练习卷(带解析)(一)

(1)Will they go to see a movie next Friday?
(2)What will they do next Friday?
(3)At what time does the concert start?



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题号:4914446 题型:句型转换 难易度:一般 日期:2017-09-18 来源:2018年北师大版(三起)英语六年级上册unit1练习卷(带解析)(一)
(1)The students will work in the library. (对划线部分提问)
________ ________ the students ________?
(2)They often play tennis after school. (用last Sunday代替often)
They ________ tennis ________ ________.
(3)Did they have a computer class yesterday? (做肯定回答)
________, ________ ________.



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题号:4914447 题型:句型转换 难易度:一般 日期:2017-09-18 来源:2018年北师大版(三起)英语六年级上册unit1练习卷(带解析)(一)
(1)She cleans her room every day. (用tomorrow代替every day)
She ________ ________ her room ________.
(2)Will Ken play the drum in the concert? (做否定回答)
________, ________ ________.
(3)We’ll go out for a walk with you. (改为否定句)
We ________ ________ out for a walk with you.
(4)Tianjin will have a fine day. (改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答)
________ Tianjin ________ a fine day?
________, ________ ________.



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题号:4914445 题型:补充句子 难易度:一般 日期:2017-09-18 来源:2018年北师大版(三起)英语六年级上册unit1练习卷(带解析)(一)
【题文】Complete the dialogue. 根据所给的情景,完成下面的对话,一空一词。
A: ________ to our school.
B: Thank you.
A: There are many ________ in our school.
B: Are there any activities in the club?
A: Yes. Such as ________, music, dancing, ________ and ________. In our music club, we often ________ ________ ________. And in our English club, we often talk ________ ________.
B: ________ do children come to the club?
A: Usually, children come to the club on Thursday.
B: Which club is your ________?
A: I like science club best. We can go to the field to study the animals and plants.
B: Oh, how nice!



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题号:5944295 题型:判断题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-11-09 来源:2018年北师大版(三起)英语六年级上册unit1练习卷(带解析)(一)
【题文】Read and tick or cross. 阅读短文,并根据短文内容判断正误。
Look, this is our school. There are two buildings in it. One is new, the other is old. The new building is our library. It is very big. There are many books in it. We often borrow books from the library and sometimes we read there. The old building is the teaching building. There are forty rooms in it. Most of them are classrooms. There is a computer room, a music room, an art room, a science lab and a language lab, too. We learn to use(使用) computers in the computer room. We sing and dance in the music room. We paint in the art room. We do listening in the language lab. We sometimes have science classes and do experiments(试验)in the science lab.
We are very happy in the school. We enjoy our school life.
(1)The school has two buildings.
(2)The buildings are new.
(3)There is a small library in the school.
(4)The students can read books in the library.
(5)There isn’t a computer room in the school.
(6)The students often do listening in the art room.
(7)They can sing and dance in the music room.
(8)The students love their life in the school.



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