
2018年人教PEP版英语六上Unit 1 Part B Period 6练习卷

适用年级:{{getGradeNameByProperty('三年级|单元试卷|全国|2017年')}} 试卷类型:{{getTestPaperTypeName('三年级|单元试卷|全国|2017年')}} 使用省份:{{getAreaName('三年级|单元试卷|全国|2017年')}}
题号:5946478 题型:完形填空 难易度:一般 日期:2017-11-22 来源:2018年人教PEP版英语六上Unit 1 Part B Period 6练习卷
Zoom   1  Zip go to the restaurant. They decide to go there   2__  bus. At last they go there   3__ foot. Zoom asks, “ Do you know the traffic __4  ?” Zip says, “Yes.   5  light means stop. Yellow   __6__  wait. Green means __7__.” They get there. And they have _ 8 _ good lunch.
(   ) 1. A. and          B. but         C. with         D. or
(   ) 2. A. on           B. by          C. in           D. at
(   ) 3. A. on           B. by          C. in           D. at
(   ) 4. A. rule          B. rules       C. light        D. lights
(   ) 5. A. Red          B. Yellow      C. Green        D. Black
(   ) 6. A. mean         B. means       C. meant        D. meaning
(   ) 7. A. stop         B. wait        C. go           D. leave
(   ) 8. A. a            B. an          C. the          D. /



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题号:5946480 题型:书面表达 难易度:一般 日期:2017-11-22 来源:2018年人教PEP版英语六上Unit 1 Part B Period 6练习卷



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题号:5946479 题型:判断题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-11-22 来源:2018年人教PEP版英语六上Unit 1 Part B Period 6练习卷
I am a student . I like reading a book .Every week , I go to Xinhua bookstore . Usually I go by bus , but sometimes I go by bike . I know the traffic lights are the same in every country .Red means stop . Yellow means wait and green means go . But some traffic rules are different in some countries . We should remember the traffic rules .
(    )1. Every week I go to the park .
(    )2. I often go to Xinhua bookstore by bus .
(    )3.Traffic lights are the same in every country .
(    )4. Traffic rules are the same in every country .
(    )5.We shouldn’t remember the traffic rules .



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