
2017-2018学年人教PEP版六上Unit One英语试卷

适用年级:{{getGradeNameByProperty('六年级|单元试卷|全国|2017年')}} 试卷类型:{{getTestPaperTypeName('六年级|单元试卷|全国|2017年')}} 使用省份:{{getAreaName('六年级|单元试卷|全国|2017年')}}
题号:5946661 题型:选择题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-11-28 来源:2017-2018学年人教PEP版六上Unit One英语试卷
【题文】My home is on _________ floor.
A.the fiveB.fifthC.the fifthD.five



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题号:5946662 题型:选择题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-11-28 来源:2017-2018学年人教PEP版六上Unit One英语试卷
【题文】See you _______ 2 o’clock this afternoon.



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题号:5946663 题型:选择题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-11-28 来源:2017-2018学年人教PEP版六上Unit One英语试卷
【题文】We should stop ______ a red light.



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题号:5946664 题型:选择题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-11-28 来源:2017-2018学年人教PEP版六上Unit One英语试卷
【题文】Sarah, let’s _______ to the park this afternoon.
A.to goB.goingC.goD.goes



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题号:5946665 题型:选择题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-11-28 来源:2017-2018学年人教PEP版六上Unit One英语试卷
【题文】Let’s go to a fast food restaurant _______ lunch.



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题号:5946666 题型:选择题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-11-28 来源:2017-2018学年人教PEP版六上Unit One英语试卷
(   ) 1. A. yellow         B. rules      C. red
(   ) 2. A. on foot         B. by plane     C. by way
(   ) 3. A. light           B. stop      C. go
(   ) 4. A. school         B. China        C. Canada
(   ) 5. A. fifth           B. one               C. fourth



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题号:5946659 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-11-28 来源:2017-2018学年人教PEP版六上Unit One英语试卷



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题号:5946668 题型:阅读理解 难易度:一般 日期:2017-11-28 来源:2017-2018学年人教PEP版六上Unit One英语试卷
There are many people on a bus. A woman with a boy gets on the bus. She gives the conductor two yuan and says,” Please give me a ticket to the zoo.”
The conductor looks at the boy. He asks him,” How old are you?” The boy says, “I’m six at home, and I’m three on a bus.” All the people laugh. At last, the woman gives one yuan again for her son’s ticket.
1. There are many p_______ on the bus.
2. The boy is s_______ years old.
3. The b________ ticket to the zoo is one yuan.
4. The w_______ is dishonest(不诚实).
5. The woman gives one yuan for her son’s t__________.



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题号:5946669 题型:书面表达 难易度:一般 日期:2017-11-28 来源:2017-2018学年人教PEP版六上Unit One英语试卷



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题号:5946660 题型:判断题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-11-28 来源:2017-2018学年人教PEP版六上Unit One英语试卷
(   ) 1. —How can I go to the hospital?
—You can go there by bus.

(   ) 2. —How can we go to Beijing?
—We can go there by train.

(   ) 3. —How can I go to Shanghai?
—You can go there by ship.

(   ) 4.—How can I go to the bookstore?
—You can go there by the No.21 bus.

(   ) 5. Look at the traffic lights. Go at a green light.



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题号:5946667 题型:连词成句 难易度:一般 日期:2017-11-28 来源:2017-2018学年人教PEP版六上Unit One英语试卷
1.  do, school, how, to, you, go
2.  on, usually, I, foot, to, school, go
3.  this, go, the, park, to, afternoon, let’s
4.  are, same, traffic, lights, every, country, the, in, the
5.  near, my, home, is, post office, the



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