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题号:3846560 题型:选择题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-07-05 来源:2017年牛津上海版英语四下module1练习卷
【题文】       noon, the sun is high in the sky.
A. In             B. In the          C. At



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题号:3846561 题型:选择题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-07-05 来源:2017年牛津上海版英语四下module1练习卷
【题文】      the ice-cream. It's cold.
A. Taste          B. Look           C. Listen



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题号:3846562 题型:选择题 难易度:较易 日期:2017-07-05 来源:2017年牛津上海版英语四下module1练习卷
【题文】He can        . Look he is       .
A. write, writing   B. write, write      C. writing, write



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题号:3846563 题型:选择题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-07-05 来源:2017年牛津上海版英语四下module1练习卷
【题文】        grapes are sour. They are not sweet.
A. That           B. Those         C. This



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题号:3846564 题型:选择题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-07-05 来源:2017年牛津上海版英语四下module1练习卷
【题文】The sun          in the evening.
A. go down         B. goes down     C. rises



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题号:3846565 题型:选择题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-07-05 来源:2017年牛津上海版英语四下module1练习卷
【题文】It’s sweet.It’s yellow.It’s a      
A.watermelon     B.grape      C.banana



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题号:3846566 题型:选择题 难易度:较易 日期:2017-07-05 来源:2017年牛津上海版英语四下module1练习卷
【题文】Taste the lemon.It’s        
A.sweet   B.sour    C.hot



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题号:3846567 题型:选择题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-07-05 来源:2017年牛津上海版英语四下module1练习卷
【题文】The sun rises in the morning.The shadow is     
A.long    B.short    C.nice



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题号:3846568 题型:选择题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-07-05 来源:2017年牛津上海版英语四下module1练习卷
【题文】Henry sees a black shape behind      
A.he     B.him     C.it



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题号:3846569 题型:选择题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-07-05 来源:2017年牛津上海版英语四下module1练习卷
【题文】Touch the cup.How does it        ?
A.feel     B.taste     C.smell



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题号:3846570 题型:选择题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-07-05 来源:2017年牛津上海版英语四下module1练习卷
(    )1.A.rabbit      B.cat     C.mouse     D.watch
(    )2.A.grape      B.melon   C.moon      D.strawberry
(    )3.A.this       B.that     C.those      D.it
(    )4.A.happy     B.sing     C.run       D.stop
(    )5.A.night       B.noon    C.evening    D.sky



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题号:3846556 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-07-05 来源:2017年牛津上海版英语四下module1练习卷

One day,a fox sees some nice    .They are purple and      .But the grapes are high.The fox      get and eat them.A bird can eat the grapes.She likes the sweet grapes.The fox is     and angry.He says those grapes are sour. They are not        .
B. 阅读短文,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示。
Look at our school. It's new and nice. It has two big buildings and a playground. The playground is big. It is beside the classroom building. The garden is behind the building. My classroom is on the second floor. It's clean.There are twenty-four children in my class. It is three o'clock in the afternoon.The girls are singing and dancing in the music room. The boys are playing football on the playground. We are very happy.
(    )1. Our school is new.
(    )2. The playground is behind the classroom building.
(    )3. The building is in front of the garden.
(    )4. There are twenty-four girls in my class.
(    )5. The boys are playing football on the playground.



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题号:3846558 题型:填空题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-07-05 来源:2017年牛津上海版英语四下module1练习卷
1.What are you         (do/doing)?
2. How         it smell? (do/does)
3. She         (has/have) a new balloon.
4. We are         (running/run).
5. The           (strawberry/strawberries) are sweet and sour.



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题号:3846571 题型:单词拼写 难易度:一般 日期:2017-07-05 来源:2017年牛津上海版英语四下module1练习卷

Thi         th n       w term l n       g    p s    n       t



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题号:3846555 题型:书面表达 难易度:一般 日期:2017-07-05 来源:2017年牛津上海版英语四下module1练习卷



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题号:3846557 题型:匹配题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-07-05 来源:2017年牛津上海版英语四下module1练习卷

(     )        (    )          (    )          (    )           (    )



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题号:3846559 题型:匹配题 难易度:一般 日期:2017-07-05 来源:2017年牛津上海版英语四下module1练习卷
(     )1. What are they doing?                       A  It's hard.
(     )2. Can you swim?                              B  It's strawberry juice.
(     )3. How does it feel?                          C  Twenty yuan.
(     )4. How much is the toy?                       D  They're painting.
(     )5. Is it strawberry juice or watermelon juice? E  Yes, I can.



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